Fight For Term Limits and
Controlled Investment For Federal Office

Proposed Legislation: Congressional Term Limits and Financial Integrity Act

Section 1: Term Limits for Congressional Members

  1. Purpose: To promote fresh perspectives, prevent potential abuse of power, and encourage effective representation, this legislation introduces term limits for congressional members.
  2. Term Limits:
    • Individuals elected to the US Congress may serve a maximum of 3 2-year terms or 6 years before they term out.
    • Individuals elected to the US Senate may serve a maximum of 2 6-year terms or 12 years before they term out.
  3. Effective Date: These term limits shall apply to members elected after the enactment of this legislation.

Section 2: Financial Integrity and Accountability

  1. Divestment of Stocks:
    • Upon election, all members of Congress must divest any stocks they hold. This shall be done by either liquidating the investments or transferring them into bonds.
    • Divestment of stocks is required to prevent insider trading and conflicts of interest during their service in the Senate or Congress.
  2. Refusal of Benefits:
    • All members of Congress shall lead by example and refuse any benefits beyond their annual salary.
    • This refusal of excessive benefits emphasizes the priority to address the needs of our veterans and ensures responsible stewardship of public funds.

Section 3: Retirement and Lobbying Prohibition

  1. Retirement from Legislative Branch Pensions:
    • This legislation eliminates all legislative branch pensions, including retirement benefits, for current and future members of Congress.
    • The elimination of pensions discourages career politicians and fosters a spirit of public service among elected officials.
  2. Prohibition of Lobbying:
    • Upon completion of their term limits, members of Congress are prohibited from lobbying within the Federal Government for a period of 10 years.
    • This measure prevents any undue influence or conflicts of interest and ensures a fair and transparent system.

Section 4: Implementation and Enforcement

  1. The enactment of this legislation shall occur upon a majority vote in both houses of Congress.
  2. The Congressional Ethics Office shall oversee compliance with the divestment of stocks and refusal of benefits provisions.
  3. Any violation of the divestment or benefits refusal provisions shall result in appropriate disciplinary actions and potential legal consequences.

Section 5: Effective Date

  1. This legislation shall take effect immediately upon its passage.
  2. All provisions shall apply to current and future members of Congress, ensuring consistency and accountability within our legislative branch.
  3. The implementation of term limits and financial integrity measures aims to usher in a new era of responsible and accountable public service, promoting a healthier and more dynamic political landscape for the benefit of our nation and its citizens.




On November 5, 2024, vote for Chris Hyser for Congress

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